The Coolest Neighborhoods in New Jersey

New Jersey is one of the most densely populated regions with rich cultural diversity. No matter what inspires you to travel more, whether you are more fascinated by historic sites, national parks, camping or simply looking for a cool neighborhood when you can stay comfortably while away from home, New Jersey has its all. Some of the coolest neighborhoods in New Jersey include Downtown Jersey City, the Heights, Journal Square, Upper Montclair, and many more.

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Narrow down your searches with the list of neighborhoods we have prepared for you:

Downtown Jersey City: Downtown Jersey City is located between Grove Street Path Station and the Newark Avenue Pedestrian Mall. This neighborhood has no shortage of good cafes, pet-friendly shops, drink and dining bars, and many places to enjoy the local cuisines.

The Heights: The Heights is another popular neighborhood located on the north of Jersey City. It is home to a large Spanish speaking population and also a large number of Puerto Ricans and Cuban food stalls. If you want to enjoy good food at a good place then you have plenty of options here to enjoy gourmet burgers, craft beers at a cheap price.

Upper Montclair: Upper Montclair is an unincorporated neighborhood located in Essex County, New Jersey. Upper Montclair is a postal designation in the US developed during the 18th century. Upper Montclair is home to many natural reserves like the Anderson Park, Yantacaw Brook Park, the Bonsal Nature Preserve, Mountainside Park, the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens, etc.

Journal Square: Journal Square is located right at the heart of Jersey City and is one of the largest stops for Path Trains. This neighborhood is located within the vicinity of many historic sites and good cafes. For more blogs and travel updates, you can check out Frontier Flights Reservations.


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